Flying Tigers Club

Previously known as the Tiger Retirement Club

Welcome to the Flying Tigers Club!

Flying tiger Line logoWe were previously known as the “Tiger Retirement Club”, but let’s face it, we are all “retired” from Flying Tigers! And we didn’t want anyone to think that you had to actually be retired to be a part of the club!

For those who were not fortunate enough to spend any time at all at Flying Tigers, we can’t begin to explain to anyone the sense of family and camaraderie we had at Flying Tigers. It was so much more than a job; it was a place we went to every day and worked hard, played hard, and made lifetime friendships.

Although well over a quarter of a century has passed since we turned out the lights at Flying Tigers, that Tiger “can do” spirit still lives on in us and that light will never burn out.

There are approximately 480 of us former Flying Tiger Employees who are members of The Club. Many members are retirees, while others are still working, some at FedEx, others in the aviation industry or airfreight, and some went on to pursue completely different careers. Some are a spouse, widow or widower, or children of employees and were part of the Tiger family.

It’s a great and fun way to maintain contact with former Tiger friends and associates with whom you worked for many years. It is about the only contact we have with the golden years of Flying Tigers.  Best of all it’s an avenue to get together once or twice a year to reminisce, find out what’s new, and chew the fat.

Officially, and legally, we are still the “Tiger Retirement Club” as established in our By-Laws as well as State and Federal documents and our 501(c)7 status, but from now on we will refer to the club as the Flying Tigers Club in most communications and correspondence.

Check out our membership page for more information on becoming a member.

Upcoming Events: 

The Annual Business Lunch is booked for Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Reservations are now open.  Click here.


The Annual Lunch Social is booked for Sunday, October 12, 2025.

Design: A Street Web Design