Membership in the Flying Tigers Club

Effective Mach 1, 2024, annual dues were increased to $20.

Who knew way back then that the Club would be what it is now?

Flying tiger Line logoRegardless of retirement status or age, whether you worked for Tigers for a year or a lifetime; part time or full time; whether you took a job with FedEx at the time or the merger or not…..all former Tigers are part of the Tiger family and we’d love for you to join the club!

Member dues are only $20 per year. All spouses and family members of former Flying Tigers are welcome to join.  Club membership is open to any and all persons who at any time from July 1945 to August 1989 were employed by and paid a wage by any of the following companies:

        • The Flying Tiger Line Inc.
        • Tiger International
        • Tiger Federal Credit Union
        • Tiger Air

Check the Membership Roster for your membership expiration date.  Your expiration date is DECEMBER of the year listed and new dues are payable in DECEMBER each year.

Apply For New Membership

Apply by Mail & Check Apply Online by Credit Card or PayPal  


Renew Existing Membership

Renew by Mail & CheckRenew Online by Credit Card or PayPal  


Update your Contact information

Update your Contact Information


Other Benefits

  • The Club Conducts an Annual Luncheon Meeting in the first quarter of each year (Elections and Social)
  • The Club conducts an annual Luncheon in the last quarter of each year (Social)
  • Regular newsletters sent out to members

Serve on one of Club committees:

  • Activities
  • Board Member
  • Historical
  • Membership
  • Newsletter

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