
FTL Yearbooks Available

 While supplies last….


Who has one of these?  Who never got one?  Who wants one?

This hardcover book was put together in 1989 as a memento for all active Flying Tigers at the time of the merger with FedEx.  Michele Bovero (then Rochester) coordinated the efforts of an extremely dedicated group of fellow employees who spent hundreds of hours compiling the contents.  The book is dedicated to Robert Prescott and has many historical pictures of our beginnings as well and many employee pictures from 1989.  Many of our members retired or left FTL before 1989 and likely don’t have one of these amazing books.

We recently came across several boxes of these books and would love to share them with whomever wants one!!  However, the yearbooks are for members only.  If you are not a member, but worked for Flying Tigers, please visit our Membership Page and join now!

The books themselves are free, but shipping will cost $5 for each book.

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Design: A Street Web Design